Nov 14, 2009

pictures from israel & palestine

here you can see few pictures of my journey in Israel and Palestine during the world work seminar @ Nazareth

both cities are mostly Muslims and Christians.

todays learning

for understand the world conflict,
you have to know about you inner conflict.

become to be able to work on your inner world work,
you can effect the field so much.

the edgy parts on the field comes up through the dream and body symptoms, so if we can pick it up internal, we can give the field back the parts, through yourself, without working on the middle of the group.

Nov 2, 2009

we have to include and respect children

children should be included in our future life and actions naturally.
in a society, where the children have no space and no respect , there is no future.

You can find powerful women and happy children in a healthy society

Celebrate the Earth

celebrate the life,

do what you like and have fun.